December 2, 2006 | PDF Version

In its quests to keep its valued clients informed and supply the most pertinent resources, BCG has released its annual Attorney Search Guide to America's Top 50 Law Schools. Currently, the 2007 edition is available online at BCG's comprehensive website,, where you can read the text in its entirety. Also, the guide will be available in book form shortly.
This is a must-have addition to every legal library, as the goal of the BCG Attorney Search Guide is to provide the reader with objective data about the best law schools. Its introduction attests to its effectiveness: "For potential law students, this information will help you make the most informed choice about which law school to apply to and to, perhaps, attend as a newly minted 1L. For recruiters, we have compiled this information to help you hire the best attorneys for your firm or business."
For quick reference, the BCG Attorney Search Guide meticulously compiles the following information:
- A comparative reference guide to the top U.S. law schools.
- An explanation of the grading system used by America's Top 50 law schools.
- Information about each school's publications.
- Information to help guide potential employers toward making informed hiring choices.
- Information regarding each school's faculty, class size, academic honors and awards, moot court and clinical programs, entering classes' average GPAs and LSAT scores, and post-law-school employment statistics, as well as other facts that convey the overall atmosphere of each school.
The 2007 BCG Attorney Search Guide to America's Top 50 Law Schools offers insight into the process of decoding law school rankings and the implications of grading. It also addresses topical issues relating to rankings. For example, it discusses U.S. News and World Report's ranking system: "This year the U.S. News and World Report slightly modified the law school ranking methodology. After consulting with law school placement officials, the Report reduced the weight previously assigned to employment rates of law school grads immediately upon finishing their studies and increased the weight given to employment rates nine months after graduation." Other changes pertain to the Report's uses of reported median LSAT scores and undergraduate GPAs for full-time law school entrants.
The BCG Attorney Search Guide discusses the skill it takes to identify talent, as well as the reputation associated with a university's name and how said reputation can build and/or affect that university's credibility.
Information on each of the 50 law schools is broken down into categories. For example, the number-one ranked school is presently Yale Law School. In the detailed section devoted to Yale, readers will find an overview, as well as details on the school's student to faculty ratio, admission criteria, statistics, class rankings, grades, awards, journals, placement facts, and more. This information is organized into convenient tables for quick reference.
The guide provides a detailed description of the prestigious Yale Law School: "Located in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale Law School is one of the world's premier law schools. It offers an environment of excellence and education intimacy in the form of world-renowned faculty, small classes, limitless opportunities for clinical training, and strong encouragement of public service […]. For students, the experience is unparalleled."
The 2007 BCG Attorney Search Guide to America's Top 50 Law Schools also serves as a comprehensive directory, as it lists contact information for all of its ranked schools.
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