Can You Take a Break from Practicing Law to Recharge and Regroup and then Come Back?
A. Harrison Barnes
Harrison Barnes

As a hardworking attorney in a major firm, you may feel you have earned time off after enduring inhumane working hours and stress for a year or more. We do not dispute that taking a break is something you may vitally need. Firm-related stress is so extreme that we have known of attorneys in the past who have had nervous breakdowns. If you are facing such emotional difficulties, your belief might be that taking a leave of absence will allow you to return to the practice of law energized and ready for new heights of achievement. Indeed, many attorneys who have taken a hiatus from practicing law and successfully returned describe their time off as one of the most valuable things they have ever done for their careers. In many other professions (such as working as a professor in a major university), sabbaticals of a year or more are often imposed as a job requirement once every few years in the belief that they will return to their jobs more focused and with a new perspective on their work.