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Harrison Barnes |
This is at odds with the types of personalities most attorneys have. Many attorneys were once quite competitive in an academic sense and spent a lot of their time studying alone to get an edge on their peers. In the law firm environment, most attorneys work alone in offices and do their best to generate as many billable hours as possible.
Amongst all of this solitary activity, however, attorneys are all part of a social dynamic inside their legal organizations. Beyond any other single issue-including the attorney's work product-the largest obstacle and risk to an attorney's success is a social dynamic turning against the attorney. If your fellow associates, or even worse, the partners you work with, do not like you, word will get around, and your future with your organization may be doomed.
- See The Importance of Being Well-Liked in Your Job for more information.
I would argue that being well-liked inside a legal environment is more important than in most other professions. If you are an associate and are not liked by your colleagues, the partners will assume that clients will not like you either. Additionally, if partners do not like you, then you will not get a lot of work. If you are isolated from others within your legal organization, it is also far easier for the firm to let you go in times of economic uncertainty. You need to always be in a position where others want to do you a favor.
There are several keys to being well-liked in a legal environment, and this article will examine some of the more important ones, including (1) not getting involved in cliques; (2) never saying anything bad about any co-worker, no matter what; (3) making your superiors feel important; (4) listening, not talking too much, and asking about others; (5) participating in group solidarity activities; and (6) keeping your head down and smiling.
1. Do Not Get Actively Involved in Cliques
One of the most dangerous things you can do in a legal workplace is to get actively involved in a clique. While there is nothing wrong with being part of a social group, because of reasons specific to their environments, law firms are likely the wrong places to do this.
First, cliques-like all social organizations-go through their ups and downs. One of the most unifying things about cliques is that the members bond over a shared set of circumstances. When bad things happen to the members of a clique, the clique tends to come together and unite against the negative outside forces that created the bad circumstances. Rest assured bad things will happen to members of every law firm clique.
In a large law firm, something in the neighborhood of more than 50% of the associates in your class will leave and go to other jobs (or leave the practice of law entirely) within the first two to three years of their time with the firm. While this is not necessarily a bad thing for these attorneys, many of these attorneys will leave under bad circumstances, where they have done something wrong. In addition, a lot of these attorneys will be angry with the firm and the firm's partners, and the partners will know they are angry. If you and a group of very close peers have been seen spending a great deal of time with someone who leaves under bad circumstances, the perception will be that you are angry about it too. The firm may even think you are a candidate for leaving for the same reasons. You do not want to be associated with this. You will be perceived as being on the wrong team.
Second, if you are involved in a clique, there will be other associates who, by the very existence of your clique, will feel excluded. They may not be invited to certain lunches, may hear about your doing things outside of work with other clique members, and will walk by the office and see you and other clique members speaking. This will make them feel excluded. When people feel excluded, they generally have a response.
The most typical response inside law firms is that the excluded people will form a clique of their own. Alternatively, they may decide that because your particular group is not all that interested in them (rightly or wrongly), their best course of action is to work harder, kiss up to partners more, or look better than the members of your clique in some way or another.
Third, most of the people who make partner in large and mid-sized law firms were never part of cliques. The reason? They did not have the time! Most partners in substantive law firms worked extremely hard as associates, to the point that they had figurative blinders on to everything and everyone around them that was not relevant to their advancement. Most have very little to fall back on in their professional lives other than their work product. Moreover, many partners realized that cliques are bad news.
Generally, attorneys make partner because they are extremely committed to their firms and never telegraph any sort of message that would question that commitment. When you join a clique, you immediately communicate the message that you are not like the partners were when they were in your shoes. This is bad news.
- See Builders and Destroyers for more information.
2. Never Say Anything Bad About Any Co-Worker, No Matter What
Law firms being what they are, your interaction with fellow associates will invariably contain rumors, statements about what other associates have done wrong, and interesting stories about incredible events in other co-workers' personal lives. This is a given. In addition, the professional competence of other associates will be frequently discussed among groups of attorneys.
The reaction of most associates is to listen intently to these stories and contribute their own negative feelings about the subjects of the stories. After all, relating another's misfortune may give you the sense that you are doing very well. Furthermore, most associates love telling these sorts of stories and sharing rumors with each other. There are numerous problems with this.
First, you have no way of knowing how whatever negativity you relate will be communicated to the person you are speaking about. If word gets back to someone that you are saying negative things about him/her, he/she will be upset with you. He/She may also be waiting (eagerly) for you to do something wrong so that he/she can communicate your particular misfortune to others. The point is that you do not want to be associated with making negative statements about others. If you are someone who avoids this, when you do something meriting gossip, others will be less likely to speak negatively about you.
Second, you do not look like a nice person when you engage in gossip. In fact, to most people with serious leadership potential, you look very weak. The weakest people are typically the ones who are most interested in gossip. Watch how the negative people react the next time you are in a group. Oftentimes, they will even smile because they are so happy that someone else has something negative associated with them. Do not allow yourself to fall into this trap. If you do not engage in gossip, others will respect you more.
Third, you also need to be extremely careful about saying negative things about paralegals, legal secretaries, and others within your law firm. Watch out if you engage in this and they find out (and they will eventually). Unbeknownst to most associates, legal staff members relate in a much more informal way to partners and your superiors. If you upset them, they can create tremendous difficulties for you in the firm. Most attorneys make mistakes that staff members cover for every week. Upset a legal staff member, and you can kiss a lot of that shielding goodbye. They will ensure as many people know about your errors as possible. More important, they can tell partners that other associates do not like you and more. They can do this in a very simple manner that makes them look good and you bad. You do not want to fight this war.
3. Make Your Superiors Feel Important
Your superiors have hired you because they need you to do work. Your job exists because they can't do everything themselves. You help them make money and look good, and in the process, you should make them feel important. If you do this, they will like you and will reward you. It is that simple.
First, you need to be a soldier and not a general. Soldiers carry out orders and do not question them. Generals give orders, hold power, and get rewarded for strategy and a job well done. When you are working for a superior, you want them to get rewarded for your excellent work. They will, in turn, reward you.
One of the biggest mistakes that associates make in large law firms is to presume they are generals who have a great deal of latitude with decisions and whose advice regarding strategy and more is welcome at any time. It is not. No matter how smart you are, if you are dealing with anyone with substantially more experience than you, they probably have a reason for doing things the way they do.
I realize how this sounds. Nevertheless, when you are an associate in a law firm, your job is to make your superiors look good. You do not make your superiors look good when you are constantly questioning their motives, not following orders, and/or creating your own protocol. You'll have ample time to be a general later on. As an associate, though, you must be a soldier.
Second, your superiors want to surround themselves with people who make them feel good about themselves. If obtaining partnership is a secret to you, then I will tell you how it works. Just like you surround yourself in your personal life with people who make you feel good about yourself, so too do partners in their professional lives. When they like people, they want to help them. Being well-liked by superiors requires making them feel important.
Third, your superiors (like you) face a lot of people who do not make them feel important. Whether this person is one of their superiors, a judge, or a spouse, most attorneys are surrounded with people who do not make them feel important. One way to stand out is to make your superiors feel important.
- See Avoid the Envy of Others for more information.
4. Listen, Do Not Talk Too Much, and Ask About Others
You need to listen to your superiors and co-workers. Most of us really like people who ask us about ourselves. Of course, to most of us, we are the most interesting people in the world. Most of the smartest people out there I have ever encountered are individuals who do a lot of listening and ask others questions about themselves. People love to talk about themselves. Moreover, if you do a lot of listening, you can learn a tremendous amount and grow. Avoid the temptation to just talk about yourself.
First, very few people take the time to listen to others. If you listen to others and their stories, they will like you better. They will think you are also interesting (even if they do all the talking). Think about the people you think are interesting, and most likely, they are the ones that let you talk about yourself the most.
Second, you never should volunteer a lot of information about yourself, your personal life, or much of anything for that matter. I hate to say this, but unless you are scandalous or someone with remarkable traits, very few people care to listen to what you have to say anyway. I hate to say this, but it is largely true.
Third, you can learn a lot from listening. The more you listen, the more information you will learn, and the more this will help your career.
- See Challenge Yourself and Get Input from Others for more information.
5. Participate in Group Solidarity Activities
You need to go to the firm parties. You need to be there whenever the firm does something as a group. This is essential. If you are not there, you will telegraph the message that you do not like the people you are working with. Go to firm functions.
6. Keep Your Head Down And Smile
One of the most remarkable things I have ever witnessed was an election in an organization I was once in. It came time for the organization to elect a president, and there were several candidates for the position. The problem was, each of the candidates was part of a particular faction of the organization and had enemies. The person that ended up winning was the person who never got involved in any conflict with the organization, but (paradoxically) was one of the least involved and had the fewest friends within the organization. The person participated in the organization's activities, had several acquaintances in the organization, never said anything bad about anyone, and never participated in gossip. This person won the election by a landslide.
And so too it is with law firms. The people who make partner and advance in law firms are most often the very same sorts of people. To advance, you need to be nonconfrontational, well-liked, and keep out of trouble. The best way to do this is to keep your head down, do good work, and be associated with making people feel good. If you do this and nothing more, you will have a lot of stability in any organization you join.
You should also do your best to smile a lot. While this may seem overly simplistic, smiling makes others feel good, and they will associate you with a smile. Associate yourself with a smile.
- See Stay on Track for more information.
Doing a good job inside a law firm is about a lot more than your work quality. It is about how well others like you. This also has a great deal to do with the success of many partners. If people like a partner in the community, for example, they tend to get more business than partners who are not well-liked.
An essay about being well-liked could go on and on. Certainly, a course in human relations could get much more involved with the issues than the few we have touched on here. If you follow the above rules, though, you should do just fine.
- See Do Not Be Controlled By Your Need to Feel Significant for more information.
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About Harrison Barnes
No legal recruiter in the United States has placed more attorneys at top law firms across every practice area than Harrison Barnes. His unmatched expertise, industry connections, and proven placement strategies have made him the most influential legal career advisor for attorneys seeking success in Big Law, elite boutiques, mid-sized firms, small firms, firms in the largest and smallest markets, and in over 350 separate practice areas.
A Reach Unlike Any Other Legal Recruiter
Most legal recruiters focus only on placing attorneys in large markets or specific practice areas, but Harrison places attorneys at all levels, in all practice areas, and in all locations-from the most prestigious firms in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., to small and mid-sized firms in rural markets. Every week, he successfully places attorneys not only in high-demand practice areas like corporate and litigation but also in niche and less commonly recruited areas such as:
- Immigration Law
- Workers Compensation
- Insurance
- Family Law
- Trust and Estate
- Municipal law
- And many more...
This breadth of placements is unheard of in the legal recruiting industry and is a testament to his extraordinary ability to connect attorneys with the right firms, regardless of market size or practice area.
Proven Success at All Levels
With over 25 years of experience, Harrison has successfully placed attorneys at over 1,000 law firms, including:
- Top Am Law 100 firms such including Sullivan and Cromwell, and almost every AmLaw 100 and AmLaw 200 law firm.
- Elite boutique firms with specialized practices
- Mid-sized firms looking to expand their practice areas
- Growing firms in small and rural markets
He has also placed hundreds of law firm partners and has worked on firm and practice area mergers, helping law firms strategically grow their teams.
Unmatched Commitment to Attorney Success - The Story of BCG Attorney Search
Harrison Barnes is not just the most effective legal recruiter in the country, he is also the founder of BCG Attorney Search, a recruiting powerhouse that has helped thousands of attorneys transform their careers. His vision for BCG goes beyond just job placement; it is built on a mission to provide attorneys with opportunities they would never have access to otherwise. Unlike traditional recruiting firms, BCG Attorney Search operates as a career partner, not just a placement service. The firm's unparalleled resources, including a team of over 150 employees, enable it to offer customized job searches, direct outreach to firms, and market intelligence that no other legal recruiting service provides. Attorneys working with Harrison and BCG gain access to hidden opportunities, real-time insights on firm hiring trends, and guidance from a team that truly understands the legal market. You can read more about how BCG Attorney Search revolutionizes legal recruiting here: The Story of BCG Attorney Search and What We Do for You.
The Most Trusted Career Advisor for Attorneys
Harrison's legal career insights are the most widely followed in the profession.
- His articles on BCG Search alone are read by over 150,000 attorneys per month, making his guidance the most sought-after in the legal field. Read his latest insights here.
- He has conducted hundreds of hours of career development webinars, available here: Harrison Barnes Webinar Replays.
- His placement success is unmatched-see examples here: Harrison Barnes' Attorney Placements.
- He has created numerous comprehensive career development courses, including BigLaw Breakthrough, designed to help attorneys land positions at elite law firms.
Submit Your Resume to Work with Harrison Barnes
If you are serious about advancing your legal career and want access to the most sought-after law firm opportunities, Harrison Barnes is the most powerful recruiter to have on your side.
Submit your resume today to start working with him: Submit Resume Here
With an unmatched track record of success, a vast team of over 150 dedicated employees, and a reach into every market and practice area, Harrison Barnes is the recruiter who makes career transformations happen and has the talent and resources behind him to make this happen.
A Relentless Commitment to Attorney Success
Unlike most recruiters who work with only a narrow subset of attorneys, Harrison Barnes works with lawyers at all stages of their careers, from junior associates to senior partners, in every practice area imaginable. His placements are not limited to only those with "elite" credentials-he has helped thousands of attorneys, including those who thought it was impossible to move firms, find their next great opportunity.
Harrison's work is backed by a team of over 150 professionals who work around the clock to uncover hidden job opportunities at law firms across the country. His team:
- Finds and creates job openings that aren't publicly listed, giving attorneys access to exclusive opportunities.
- Works closely with candidates to ensure their resumes and applications stand out.
- Provides ongoing guidance and career coaching to help attorneys navigate interviews, negotiations, and transitions successfully.
This level of dedicated support is unmatched in the legal recruiting industry.
A Legal Recruiter Who Changes Lives
Harrison believes that every attorney-no matter their background, law school, or previous experience-has the potential to find success in the right law firm environment. Many attorneys come to him feeling stuck in their careers, underpaid, or unsure of their next steps. Through his unique ability to identify the right opportunities, he helps attorneys transform their careers in ways they never thought possible.
He has worked with:
- Attorneys making below-market salaries who went on to double or triple their earnings at new firms.
- Senior attorneys who believed they were "too experienced" to make a move and found better roles with firms eager for their expertise.
- Attorneys in small or remote markets who assumed they had no options-only to be placed at strong firms they never knew existed.
- Partners looking for a better platform or more autonomy who successfully transitioned to firms where they could grow their practice.
For attorneys who think their options are limited, Harrison Barnes has proven time and time again that opportunities exist-often in places they never expected.
Submit Your Resume Today - Start Your Career Transformation
If you want to explore new career opportunities, Harrison Barnes and BCG Attorney Search are your best resources. Whether you are looking for a BigLaw position, a boutique firm, or a move to a better work environment, Harrison's expertise will help you take control of your future.
Submit Your Resume Here to get started with Harrison Barnes today.
Harrison's reach, experience, and proven results make him the best legal recruiter in the industry. Don't settle for an average recruiter-work with the one who has changed the careers of thousands of attorneys and can do the same for you.
About BCG Attorney Search
BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive, while achieving results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit www.BCGSearch.com.
Harrison Barnes does a weekly free webinar with live Q&A for attorneys and law students each Wednesday at 10:00 am PST. You can attend anonymously and ask questions about your career, this article, or any other legal career-related topics. You can sign up for the weekly webinar here: Register on Zoom
Harrison also does a weekly free webinar with live Q&A for law firms, companies, and others who hire attorneys each Wednesday at 10:00 am PST. You can sign up for the weekly webinar here: Register on Zoom
You can browse a list of past webinars here: Webinar Replays
You can also listen to Harrison Barnes Podcasts here: Attorney Career Advice Podcasts
You can also read Harrison Barnes' articles and books here: Harrison's Perspectives
Harrison Barnes is the legal profession's mentor and may be the only person in your legal career who will tell you why you are not reaching your full potential and what you really need to do to grow as an attorney--regardless of how much it hurts. If you prefer truth to stagnation, growth to comfort, and actionable ideas instead of fluffy concepts, you and Harrison will get along just fine. If, however, you want to stay where you are, talk about your past successes, and feel comfortable, Harrison is not for you.
Truly great mentors are like parents, doctors, therapists, spiritual figures, and others because in order to help you they need to expose you to pain and expose your weaknesses. But suppose you act on the advice and pain created by a mentor. In that case, you will become better: a better attorney, better employees, a better boss, know where you are going, and appreciate where you have been--you will hopefully also become a happier and better person. As you learn from Harrison, he hopes he will become your mentor.
To read more career and life advice articles visit Harrison's personal blog.