- Sample Litigation Resume
- Sample Corporate Resume
- Preparing a resume addendum can help to highlight the particular experience you have had and the responsibilities you assumed. The addendum is usually in the form of a case or transaction summary and can be divided up by type of case/transaction. It can also be organized functionally by skill (e.g. Motion Practice, Discovery, Trial Practice). Preparing such a summary is also a useful exercise in helping you to take stock in what you have done to date. It also helps to prepare you for an interview
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- See How to Write a Legal Resume for more information.
Your resume is a summary that should emphasize those skills and experiences that are relevant to the job you want. It should not be a summary of everything that you have ever done or even necessarily every law related activity you have ever been involved with (unless omitting the information would distort your background or leave large gaps of time that go unexplained or unless the experience clearly demonstrates that you have closely related skills and experience).