December 17, 2009 | PDF Version

This press release informs the readers that lists best legal job recruiters and that they can easily find a suitable job by registering with them. The marketing strategy of BCG is user based and this is something that ensures complete reliability and dependence by enthusiastic legal job search candidates.
BCG Search is a trusted name in the legal job market and provides suitable legal jobs matching your qualifications. The basic difference between BCG and any other job hunting site is that while another job site would list only a few selective jobs in the field, BCG list each and every legal job by all recruiters. BCG Search has been doing this excellent job of landing with the best legal firms and opportunities in the field, thanks to their transparent business strategy that is extremely research oriented. Now why is so much research required, you may ask? The answer to this is pretty simple: good research provides you with jobs from all corners of the industry.
BCG Attorney Search has the best recruiters in the legal industry since they are regularly featured in the national media. The BCG recruiters are the best in their field, and this is because they have a proven mettle in the law community. They have graduated from some of the best universities. All of them are required to maintain high and superlative standards of performance, actively participating in and writing about their legal finesse. In fact, their credibility is such that BCG Attorney Search is often approached by the press for commenting about their recruiters. You can't be a recruiter with BCG just like that. You need to undergo severe training, which is unlike the Martindale training that is given at most of the other companies.
BCG Attorney Search looks at legal recruitment as a serious profession with the recruiters being trained for weeks before actually allowing getting down to business. It is necessary for the recruiters to travel to the BCG Search head office that is located in Pasadena for training on an individual basis, or for speaking to the candidate. Video training with footage from conferences and imparting of the CEO, A. Harrison Barnes' core values are some of the aspects they are required to undergo. All in all, it is a value based approach that the legal recruiters are provided with. However, it is not just training that is required, recruiters are also asked to make presentations regarding relevant and informational topics related to legal appointments.
Recruiters at BCG Attorney Search are required to meet with a particular number of law firms as BCG has numerous contacts with the top law firms in the country. This is extremely helpful as it prevents duplication and assures up to the minute vacancy notification. The hiring procedure is highly selective as BCG Attorney Search does not accept all recruiters, which is in fact excellent for the candidate who is looking for the best and most deserving recruiters. Effectiveness and personalized attention is thereby guaranteed.
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