The Role of Emotional and Social Intelligence in Your Career

Fortunately, that day is long gone. For those readers who have not enjoyed Blink, it is a narrative about how we think without thinking. It is a book about choices we make in an instant, why we make those choices, and it pulls together research from psychology, behavioral economics and studies on the adaptive unconscious. In my own world, I've come to define Blink in a much more bottom-line fashion. Right or wrong, Blink has been crystallized for me into seven instructive words, namely: ''my three second read on a situation.'' For me, this means that for every decision I make, and for every reaction I have to a person, place, thing, client, job, or otherwise, I now realize that I make two decisions - one based on the rapid impression I get in the first three seconds of an interaction (in a blink) and one based on a later impression when logic and other impulses creep into my decision-making process. Both sides of that whole are equally important.

Without getting into the deeper mechanics of Blink, I can tell you that the concepts within this book moved me forward into the study of Emotional Intelligence and its counterpart Social Intelligence1, and this is where your story begins: