What Should I Put on My Attorney Resume?


Your resume is a summary of important information about yourself. It should contain only information that is relevant to the position for which you are applying. Often, an initial first pass of a resume to determine whether you could be a good fit for a job is less than 30 seconds. You want to make those 30 seconds count. Including superfluous or unfavorable content will likely hurt your chances of getting passed over on that first pass.
One of the most common questions about resume content is: Should I put my GPA on my resume? There are two factors to consider when answering this question. The first is the caliber of your GPA. Only put your GPA on your resume if it is exceptional. In the legal world, this means at least a 3.5. If you had a not so great overall GPA in law school, but had a high GPA in classes in your area of practice (such as tax or intellectual property), you could include that GPA only. The second factor to consider is how long you have been out of law school. If you are ten years out, your work experience becomes more important than your grades, and you can leave your GPA off of your resume regardless of its level.
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