Choosing Between Corporate and Litigation Practice Areas
A. Harrison Barnes
Harrison Barnes

In this article, you will learn the pros and cons of being a corporate attorney or a litigator and also gain valuable tips for deciding which career path is most suitable and offers more options.

Choosing between corporate and litigation practice areas is an important decision because the practice area you choose could have a major impact on your future. This article discusses each of these practice areas from the standpoint of your future employability. However, choosing between these two practice areas is an important decision because the practice area you choose can have a major impact on your future.

A. Corporate


1. Positives Of Choosing To Be A Corporate Attorney


i) Corporate Is Very Good When The Economy Is Strong

When the economy is strong, corporate is among the best practice areas out there. Corporate attorneys with experience doing deals can live in any part of the country and are in demand in all of the largest cities. Unlike litigation, where understanding local rules and state law is important, this is much less the case with corporate law.