Being flexible with your attorneys will benefit your law firm in the long run.

Statistics reveal growing job dissatisfaction among lawyers across the board, from associates to partners. Another indication of lawyer dissatisfaction is the tens of thousands lawyers leaving the practice of law every year-more than graduates from law school. Lawyer stress and dissatisfaction also are apparent in the growing number of lawyers reporting broken marriages, alcoholism, and other stress-related problems. Lawyers chiefly complain that they do not have enough personal or family time. In general, they are questioning a commitment to working long hours to the exclusion of other valuable pursuits: child rearing, personal interests, pro bono advocacy, community involvement, and care for aging parents, to name a few.

Management may believe that lawyers who put in superhuman hours are more productive, but in exerting pressures for long hours, managers may well be killing off their golden geese. There are in fact many compelling reasons for a firm, corporation, or other workplace to offer alternative work-time options.