In my estimation, confidence reigns supreme. My friends are snickering as they read this because most will agree that my confidence level does not need improvement. I thinks it is actually an attribute in my profession. Come to think of it, I cannot think of any profession where this would not hold true.
But, alas, confidence is not everything. As much as I like to think that confidence is the ultimate trump card, confidence has sometimes failed me, or, at least not been enough.
My best example is interviewing. Let me start out by saying that I am a terrific interviewee. It's true (see? confidence). So I begin each interview preparation session with a candidate by emphasizing what I know. The primary issue I target in each of these sessions is exuding confidence during the interview. "Confidence" is perhaps a nebulous term, but I get specific. Confident people look, act, talk and dress the part.
When I have finished stressing the importance of confidence, I address a second issue that really bears no relation to the above: the curve ball. And, my friends, there's the rub. I tell candidates to prepare for the out-in-left-field questions, but, isn't this really a contradiction in terms? How do you really prepare for the unexpected?
Well, in large part, you don't. Sometimes I really want to ask a candidate if he/she has a background in improv. That, I think, would be an immense plus. Strangely enough, a history of arguing motions before courts doesn't get you there. Judges can indeed ask tangential questions, but, personally, the issues judges raise are at least related to the case at hand. Interviews, though, are a different ball game. To say that certain questions come out of left field in no way encapsulates some interview behavior.
As mentioned, I am an interview master. However, I have been in interviews where the interviewer's line of questioning has left my mouth gaping. I'm thrown entirely off base. Yes, I know to expect the unexpected, but really. I mean, REALLY.
There are too many of said instances to discuss today; however, here are a few of my dear interviewing memories:
- See Top Ten Interview Questions for more information
Interviewee as deponent. I always approached an interview as everybody putting their best face forward. Sadly, this is not always the case. Sure, you make sure you brushed your teeth, ate a protein-rich breakfast (not in that order), put on your power suit, and spent that extra 5 minutes on your hair. You are set. Well, the interviewer may also be set, but he has clearly been reading a different interviewing guide than you. It's certainly not a BCG guide.
You get to the interview prepared to have a pleasant chat about your experience, and BAM! You begin to ask: Is this an interview or a deposition? This guy is not trying to make nicey-nicey chat with you, he is treating you as though you've done something terribly wrong. He's flat out belligerent. What is it, you ask? Should I have spent yet another 5 minutes on my hair? Should I have declined that extra cup of coffee from the kind recruiting coordinator?
Nope. It happens. I've been there. It was a painful thirty minutes (that felt like thirty days). How did the self-proclaimed interview master handle it? Well, surprisingly well. I was asked to return for more interviews, which I guess is good since I was convinced the first guy hated me. I'd like to say I rose above it, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. "No," I heard myself saying, "I wouldn't take this job if it were the last job on the market." So, naturally, I agreed to another interview.
The last laugh was unfortunately on me. Two hours before my call-back interview, my recruiter called me to say that the firm had hired someone else. I wanted to call this firm personally and tell them that I hated them and that, if the litigation market hadn't been so poor, I would not have even considered them. Of course I didn't. That was, in retrospect, a wise decision. What was a poor decision was setting myself up for more. Even at the time I felt like the abused spouse who returns to the abuser. Don't do it. If this happens to you, tell your recruiter what happened and expect him/her to address the issue with the firm. I wish that I had made it clear to my recruiter that I expected the firm to get such feedback. Oh well.
Interviewee as anonymous everyman off the street. I was interviewing with a large international firm in my chosen market. I was dressed in my power suit. I was prepped. I was focused. I was incredibly unprepared for what was to follow.
As I approached the large office building in my large market in my power suit and 5-minutes-extra hair, I instantly felt a little off. I looked up, and who should I see walking towards me but Superman. You know him: red cape, blue body suit, large "S" across the chest. Superman. I almost spilled my Dunkin Donuts coffee all over my power suit. Thankfully my 5-minutes extra hair was undisturbed. It turns out that it was Halloween, and I did not know that. I had gone to a Halloween party the previous weekend and had totally forgotten that interview day was the actual Halloween.
A little distracted, I proceeded up the elevator to my destination. Everything went surprisingly smoothly until I met the partner with whom I would be working. I walked into his office, and the level of disorganization was surprising even for a busy person. He spent about three minutes shuffling though his mess to locate my resume. When he found it, it was clear that he had never glanced at it before. His area of practice was primarily soft IP and mine wasn't (I had done a little but not much). He asked me whether I had a technical background, and I said "no." I think that my B.A. in the "Plan II Honors Liberal Arts Program" would have clued him in on that fact.
It doesn't matter. That was actually the least disconcerting incident that day. I took more offense to the 5-minute phone call he took in the middle of the interview. What can I say? Clearly I am not working for this firm now. In retrospect, I wish I had asked Superman if I could don his costume for the interview. Maybe it would have given me superpower strength. Or, heck, at least a good laugh.
Learn why attorneys usually fail law firm phone-screening interviews in this article:
About Harrison Barnes
Harrison Barnes is a prominent figure in the legal placement industry, known for his expertise in attorney placements and his extensive knowledge of the legal profession.
With over 25 years of experience, he has established himself as a leading voice in the field and has helped thousands of lawyers and law students find their ideal career paths.
Barnes is a former federal law clerk and associate at Quinn Emanuel and a graduate of the University of Chicago College and the University of Virginia Law School. He was a Rhodes Scholar Finalist at the University of Chicago and a member of the University of Virginia Law Review. Early in his legal career, he enrolled in Stanford Business School but dropped out because he missed legal recruiting too much.
Barnes' approach to the legal industry is rooted in his commitment to helping lawyers achieve their full potential. He believes that the key to success in the legal profession is to be proactive, persistent, and disciplined in one's approach to work and life. He encourages lawyers to take ownership of their careers and to focus on developing their skills and expertise in a way that aligns with their passions and interests.
One of how Barnes provides support to lawyers is through his writing. On his blog,, and, he regularly shares his insights and advice on a range of topics related to the legal profession. Through his writing, he aims to empower lawyers to control their careers and make informed decisions about their professional development.
One of Barnes's fundamental philosophies in his writing is the importance of networking. He believes that networking is a critical component of career success and that it is essential for lawyers to establish relationships with others in their field. He encourages lawyers to attend events, join organizations, and connect with others in the legal community to build their professional networks.
Another central theme in Barnes' writing is the importance of personal and professional development. He believes that lawyers should continuously strive to improve themselves and develop their skills to succeed in their careers. He encourages lawyers to pursue ongoing education and training actively, read widely, and seek new opportunities for growth and development.
In addition to his work in the legal industry, Barnes is also a fitness and lifestyle enthusiast. He sees fitness and wellness as integral to his personal and professional development and encourages others to adopt a similar mindset. He starts his day at 4:00 am and dedicates several daily hours to running, weightlifting, and pursuing spiritual disciplines.
Finally, Barnes is a strong advocate for community service and giving back. He volunteers for the University of Chicago, where he is the former area chair of Los Angeles for the University of Chicago Admissions Office. He also serves as the President of the Young Presidents Organization's Century City Los Angeles Chapter, where he works to support and connect young business leaders.
In conclusion, Harrison Barnes is a visionary legal industry leader committed to helping lawyers achieve their full potential. Through his work at BCG Attorney Search, writing, and community involvement, he empowers lawyers to take control of their careers, develop their skills continuously, and lead fulfilling and successful lives. His philosophy of being proactive, persistent, and disciplined, combined with his focus on personal and professional development, makes him a valuable resource for anyone looking to succeed in the legal profession.
About BCG Attorney Search
BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive, while achieving results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit
Harrison Barnes does a weekly free webinar with live Q&A for attorneys and law students each Wednesday at 10:00 am PST. You can attend anonymously and ask questions about your career, this article, or any other legal career-related topics. You can sign up for the weekly webinar here: Register on Zoom
Harrison also does a weekly free webinar with live Q&A for law firms, companies, and others who hire attorneys each Wednesday at 10:00 am PST. You can sign up for the weekly webinar here: Register on Zoom
You can browse a list of past webinars here: Webinar Replays
You can also listen to Harrison Barnes Podcasts here: Attorney Career Advice Podcasts
You can also read Harrison Barnes' articles and books here: Harrison's Perspectives
Harrison Barnes is the legal profession's mentor and may be the only person in your legal career who will tell you why you are not reaching your full potential and what you really need to do to grow as an attorney--regardless of how much it hurts. If you prefer truth to stagnation, growth to comfort, and actionable ideas instead of fluffy concepts, you and Harrison will get along just fine. If, however, you want to stay where you are, talk about your past successes, and feel comfortable, Harrison is not for you.
Truly great mentors are like parents, doctors, therapists, spiritual figures, and others because in order to help you they need to expose you to pain and expose your weaknesses. But suppose you act on the advice and pain created by a mentor. In that case, you will become better: a better attorney, better employees, a better boss, know where you are going, and appreciate where you have been--you will hopefully also become a happier and better person. As you learn from Harrison, he hopes he will become your mentor.
To read more career and life advice articles visit Harrison's personal blog.