Why All Types of Lawyers (Even Litigators) Should Send Representative Matters and Deal Sheets with Their Resumes

If you want to be the most marketable attorney out there – the one who gets the most job offers (and later on in his or her career, the one who gets the most clients) – you need to have an up-to-date transaction sheet to send along with your resume. This holds true for attorneys in every practice area and includes litigators, corporate attorneys, real estate attorneys, and patent attorneys. It does not matter what you call your transaction sheet, but many litigators use the term “Representative Matters List” and transactional attorneys often use the term “Deal Sheet” or “Transaction Sheet.”

Elevate Your Career with BCG Attorney Search – Upload Your Resume Now. The Goal and Benefits of a Transaction Sheet

The goal of the transaction sheet is very simple – to provide prospective employers and clients with a more detailed account of your work history than can be gleaned from your resume alone. Your transaction sheet should list the major cases or deals that you have worked on, or patents that you have helped to secure, and thereby accentuate your resume with concrete examples of what you have accomplished in your legal career.