Contract lawyers are becoming more and more common in the legal industry. Learn more about what it means to be a contract lawyer in this article.

Contract workers are becoming an ever increasingly popular option for companies so it is no surprise that lawyers are being contracted as well. You will come across contract attorneys in just about every aspect of the law. They are becoming more popular as an option for law firms when the stability of the legal industry wavers. Law firms are able to fill the work as it comes in without placing a high-cost commitment into associates.
The idea and demand for contract lawyers started with need in litigation support and due diligence. As the legal industry adjusts to changing laws and environments, the need for contract lawyers also adapts. Now law firms and corporations are turning to contract lawyers for larger roles as a way of keeping their costs down. Law firms are constantly looking for ways they can save money without sacrificing the quality of service to their clients.
In today’s market, contract lawyers perform the same functions as associates or in-house counsel. They help with real estate transactions, regulatory & compliance, labor & employment, M&A deals, intellectual property, and litigation support by conducting document review, drafting legal documents like contracts and settlements, preparing annual reports, conducting depositions, carrying out legal research, supporting a team headed to litigation, reviewing and suggesting modifications to employee manuals, assisting in Discovery and eDiscovery stages of a case, and preparing case strategy.