Typically, both screening interviews and callbacks are held via videoconference – the most common platforms are WebEx, GoToMeeting, and Zoom. At larger law firms, including most of the AmLaw 200, the entire interview process generally only takes place via these videoconferencing platforms.
However, at smaller firms, where fit is more of a concern, the final interview typically still takes place in person. In these situations, the types and intensity of social distancing precautions taken depends on the location, the Covid-19 daily case count, the number of people involved, any underlying medical conditions, and the weather.
I’ve seen final interviews take place in parks with all involved parties wearing masks and sitting six feet apart and I’ve seen final interviews take place in law firm offices – just like they did back in 2019! It really comes down to what the interviewers and interviewees feel comfortable with.
I’ve had candidates who have been unwilling to accept job offers without having been afforded the opportunity to shake their future co-workers hands and I’ve had candidates who do not feel comfortable interviewing in person at all.
If you do not feel comfortable accepting a job offer without meeting your co-workers in person or if you do not feel comfortable interviewing in person at all or without strict social distancing precautions in place, it is extremely important to communicate these concerns to your recruiter so he or she can ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible interviewing during these very strange times!
Luckily, law firms have been extremely understanding of candidates’ wide-ranging concerns and are generally doing whatever they can to ensure that excellent candidates are able to interview as safely and thoroughly as possible.