Harrison Barnes Articles | BCGSearch.com

Articles about Harrison Barnes

267 articles

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Why You Should Never Give Up Your Law Firm Job Search: Lessons in Law Firm Job Search from an Abandoned Bangkok Street Puppy, Two Attorney Crystal Meth Addicts and an Attorney Computer Repairman

Listen to This Podcast on:Giving up your search is the most serious mistake you can make.Many people are not reaching th....

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Why Attorneys Need to be Exploited to Succeed

Listen to This Podcast on:In most organizations, there is a conflict between advancing those who give their all and hold....

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Why Your Family and Social Background Will Determine Your Happiness and Success as an Attorney More than Your Academics or Firm

Listen to This Podcast on:It is common for people to go to excellent law schools and start in significant firms, then ha....

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How to Become Extremely Rich Practicing Law

Listen to This Podcast on:Many attorneys go into the practice of law with the idea of making a lot of money.The purpose ....

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The Hidden Force of Ego: How an Unchecked Ego Damages the Lives and Careers of So Many Attorneys

Listen to This Podcast on:The happiest and most successful attorneys are often surprised when their success comes.You wi....

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The Five Reasons Law Firms and Legal Employers Do Not Hire You After an Interview

Listen to This Podcast on:A law firm cannot survive if it hires improperly.Once someone invites you for an interview, th....

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How Attorneys and Law Students Can Craft the Perfect Cover Letter

Listen to This Podcast on:Many young job-seekers make the mistake of saying a lot about themselves in cover letters, res....

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