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Articles about New York

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Think Strategically When Applying to Firms in a Slower Economy

This article addresses an issue that may seem like common sense, but is something many attorneys don't fully appreciate.....

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Do Recruiters Just Mass Mail Resumes?

BCG Attorney Search is a legal placement firm and not a legal recruiting firm. There is a huge difference. Read....

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Can You Be Trusted? Why Credibility is One of the Most Important Characteristics of the Most Successful Attorneys

''Can you be trusted?'' Beyond any other single question—regardless of how motivated you are, where you went to law sc....

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The 10-Step, ''No-Fail'' Guide to Distinguishing Yourself as a First-Year Associate

Be a Prince (or Princess) Amongst PaupersRemember Prince...the Artist Formerly Known as Prince...who is now, apparently,....

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Achieving Career Satisfaction: Make the Investment, But Choose Your Investments Carefully

Jim was a litigation associate at a major Boston law firm. Soon after he started as a first year associate, he realized ....

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Transitioning to Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy has been a hot topic in the legal market ever since the dot-com bubble burst in the late 1990s. Although many....

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Bush v. Gore: Career Lessons from Campaign 2000

The twists and turns in this year's presidential race were enough to make anyone's head spin.If you are glad that the po....

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