McIntosh & McIntosh, P.L.L.C. Reviews and Ratings |

McIntosh & McIntosh, P.L.L.C.

McIntosh & McIntosh, P.L.L.C. Reviews

See reviews for McIntosh & McIntosh, P.L.L.C. from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

"Not good" - Anonymous

- Reviewed on Aug 05, 2024

Advice to law firm management: Posted By Anonymous
August 5, 2024
Personal Injury
Hired Attorney Michael McIntosh
Bad, bad, bad experience. Pursued case
with promises of a great settlement
Case was actually a conflict of interest.
Stalled actions, did not rigorously
pursue critical evidence. Distracted
Really should have declined to take the
case. A really bad situation nade worse
by this person. Should be censured or

Current or former employee?: Former Employee

Last Year at Employer: 2023

Job type: Freelance

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