Thank you for your insights. Your articles make me think hard about my past and future paths. Dario Arezzo
Thank you Harrison. Keep the great articles coming. Dwight Mersereau Partner at Crowell & Moring LLP
I stumbled across a couple of your blog posts about business development. I found them to be extremely helpful, insightful, and a bit terrifying (in the way they should be). As someone working to build a practice, I truly appreciate you taking the time to write on the subject. Thanks and best regards, Ryan Clinton
As I start my transition from BigLaw to solo practitioner, I stumbled on one of your articles and after just reading the first couple of lines I could not stop [until the] end. Great, eye-opening read. Thanks. Gustavo Laborde Shearman & Sterling LLP
Your article on an apprentice and builder has had and continues to have a profound effect on me. Landry Subira