I always enjoy your legal articles, Harrison. One of your previous articles really resonated and inspired me. Even though we've never worked together, I always try and read your articles. Buck Dougherty
Enjoy your written product very much -- fascinating articles. Reed Rubinstein
I stumbled across a couple of your blog posts about business development. I found them to be extremely helpful, insightful, and a bit terrifying (in the way they should be). As someone working to build a practice, I truly appreciate you taking the time to write on the subject. Thanks and best regards, Ryan Clinton
Harrison Barnes you're a genius. Who writes your articles? They're so right on! I've been reading your work of art for so long I can't remember when I started. Practicing for over 25 years your words are gospel to lawyers. Thank you and keep it up. Michele M. Volpe Bershtein, Volpe & McKeon P.C.
Thanks, Harrison. I truly enjoy reading your work. You are a thought leader and I love your confidence and swagger. Paul G.