I just have to say that I am impressed with how prolific you are with the articles that you write for your website. You write so many articles! And each one has so much substance to it and is really in depth and provides great advice. And I am not saying this to get a testimonial on the website. I just had to write because I was so impressed. I find the legal market extremely vexing and you put that into words extremely well. Thanks. Jeff Cohen
Enjoy your written product very much -- fascinating articles. Reed Rubinstein
Your article on an apprentice and builder has had and continues to have a profound effect on me. Landry Subira
As I start my transition from BigLaw to solo practitioner, I stumbled on one of your articles and after just reading the first couple of lines I could not stop [until the] end. Great, eye-opening read. Thanks. Gustavo Laborde Shearman & Sterling LLP
Thanks, Harrison. I truly enjoy reading your work. You are a thought leader and I love your confidence and swagger. Paul G.