Goel & Anderson, LLC Reviews and Ratings | BCGSearch.com

Goel & Anderson, LLC

Goel & Anderson, LLC Reviews

See reviews for Goel & Anderson, LLC from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

BCG Attorney Search speaks with attorneys about law firms every day. Here is what attorneys are saying:

Goel & Anderson is a law firm with a mostly positive reputation among its former employees. Reviews point to the firm�s commitment to providing its employees with a healthy work-life balance through flexible work arrangements and generous vacation time. Furthermore, many reviews cite the collaborative and supportive company culture and the camaraderie of the staff members. On the other hand, there are some negative reviews as well. The management of the firm is often described as poor, lacking trust in their employees and having a lack of direction. Additionally, many reviews describe the CEO as toxic and untrusting and having little regard for the well-being of their employees or clients. All in all, Goel & Anderson appears to be a law firm with a good work-life balance and collaborative work environment, but with some drawbacks in terms of management and leadership.

"Good place to work for a certain type of employee." - Anonymous

- Reviewed on Mar 25, 2024

Current or former employee?: Current Employee

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