Yoka & Smith, LLP Ranking | BCGSearch.com

Yoka & Smith, LLP

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About Yoka & Smith, LLP

At Yoka & Smith our focus is representing businesses in high-exposure lawsuits in a variety of legal practice areas. From our offices in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, attorneys from our firm represent clients in jurisdictions across the country. The businesses we represent trust our years of real trial experience and commitment to representing them in the most complex lawsuits, including commercial disputes, product liability, class actions and complex torts, catastrophic personal injury and environmental liability claims. Since our law firm's founding, our focus has always been, and continues to be, trying cases. We are experienced and focused on efficiently and effectively representing our clients in the courtroom in complex lawsuits. Our law firm has been repeatedly selected as an All Star Go-To Law Firm. Our philosophy - our primary objective - is representing businesses in high-exposure lawsuits. We have built a solid reputation for successfully representing FORTUNE 500? companies and other major national corporations involving a range of lawsuits.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 2

Total Attorneys: 28

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Litigation 25

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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