John H. Thomas, P.C. Law Firm Profile |

John H. Thomas, P.C.

2 Metro Rankings

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About John H. Thomas, P.C

John H. Thomas, P.C. exclusively practices Intellectual Property law. This work includes the full- range of patent, trademark and copyright matters. We partner with clients to develop both offensive and defensive IP strategies.

As a registered practitioner with the U.S. Patent Office, we are able to offer a full range of patent preparation and prosecution services. We work with clients to identify inventions, develop strategies for protection, and, where appropriate, seek patent protection. Additionally, we work with clients in infringement and validity matters?offering advice and formal opinions. We prepare and respond to cease and desist letters and, whenever necessary, carry through all the way to litigation in the federal courts.

We also provide counseling regarding trademarks and related unfair competition. We provide clearance right-to-use searches and opinions. We file and prosecute applications for trademark registration before the U.S. Trademark Office. We are involved in proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. We also help with trademark enforcement?both from offensive and defensive directions?all the way through litigation in the federal courts if necessary.

Other significant intellectual property matters?including copyrights, trade secrets and licensing?are also in our realm of expertise. We can provide counsel and guidance to give clients the information needed to make well-reasoned business decisions.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 1

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Richmond, VA 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region

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