Menken Simpson & Rozger LLP Ranking |

Menken Simpson & Rozger LLP

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About Menken Simpson & Rozger LLP

Beranbaum Menken LLP was founded in 1998 as an employment law firm, representing all kinds of employees, from blue collar workers to executives, in a whole range of actions, from severance negotiations to sexual harassment and employment discrimination, from whistleblowing to wage theft. We have won impressive court victories and significant jury verdicts in each of these areas. (See tab for Reported Cases on the Home Page). On a more personal level, we are committed to vigorously representing our clients and treating each of them with the care and dignity so often lacking in the workplace.

The six attorneys at Beranbaum Menken LLP all come to the firm with a commitment to using the law in the service of the public good and on behalf of those less privileged or discriminated against. Before starting the firm, John Beranbaum represented unions and was a disabilities rights attorney, while Bruce Menken represented indigent criminal defendants as a public defender in New York City and low income tenants in upstate New York. Jason Rozger was an attorney with the Legal Services Corporation in the Bronx, and Scott Simpson, was a Supervising Attorney in the Criminal Defense Practice of the Bronx Defenders. Marielle Moore was an expert in civilian law enforcement oversight. Brenna Rabinowitz, the firm's most recent arrival, has experience in conducting white collar investigations and has represented pro bono clients in the areas of employment, immigration, and criminal justice.

At Beranbaum Menken LLP, we seek to infuse this commitment to workplace fairness with a rigorous approach to the law ? a combination bringing superior results for our clients.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 7

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
New York City, NY 7

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Labor & Employment 6

Practice Area Rankings by Region

New York

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