Fisher & Phillips LLP Ranking |

Fisher & Phillips LLP

I am a big admirer of Fisher & Phillips LLP and all they represent. The lawyers at the firm are top-notch, the work culture is fantastic, the leadership is strong, and the business operations are seamless. Don't overlook this firm for your legal requirements.
Our interactions with Sheryl McGowan were outstanding - they were professional, responsive and truly impressed our staff.
Harrison Barnes

Founder of BCG Attorney Search and America's top legal recruiter

BCG Attorney Search works with over 25,000 law firms. Every month, tens of thousands of attorneys submit their resumes to Harrison, who works with less than 2% of them. Harrison knows quality and does whatever it takes to get his candidates jobs: Since 2000, Harrison has personally made thousands of placements and is undoubtedly the most effective legal placement professional in history.

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About Fisher & Phillips LLP

Savvy employers turn to Fisher Phillips to handle their most challenging and high-stakes cases, from class action claims involving thousands of potential class members to jury trials with exposure in the millions, and from union organizing efforts and strikes that could cripple a company. Fisher Phillips is an innovative, nimble and ever-evolving law firm that is committed to finding efficient solutions and providing excellent client service. It is also a destination of choice for top labor and employment lawyers, boasting a collegial atmosphere and a transparent compensation system that rewards great client service. In addition to its deep knowledge of the various industries in which its clients operate, the firm operates globally and locally, with 36 offices across the US and a network of local counsel on six continents. This allows it to assist clients with international employment law and contract issues, as well as the global movement of employees.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 40

Total Attorneys: 513

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Atlanta, GA 141
Berkeley Heights, NJ 22
Birmingham, MI 8
Boston, MA 22
Charlotte, NC 28
Chicago, IL 22
Cleveland, OH 34
Columbia, SC 32
Columbus, OH 8
Dallas, TX 8
Denver, CO 48
Fort Lauderdale, FL 28
Gulfport, MS 6
Houston, TX 22
Irvine, CA 114
Kansas City, MO 22
Las Vegas, NV 10
Los Angeles, CA 80
Louisville, KY 30
McLean, VA 6
Memphis, TN 12
Minneapolis, MN 47
Murray Hill, NJ 16
Nashville, TN 2
New Orleans, LA 14
New York City, NY 7
Orlando, FL 10
Philadelphia, PA 31
Phoenix, AZ 7
Pittsburgh, PA 8
Portland, OR 18
Sacramento, CA 14
San Diego, CA 56
San Francisco, CA 50
Seattle, WA 15
Tampa, FL 18
Washington, DC 13
Westminster, MD 1
Woodland Hills, CA 6

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Corporate 2
ERISA/Executive Compensation 11
General Practice 2
Labor & Employment 825
Litigation 52
Litigation - General (consumer) 7

Practice Area Rankings by Region




District of Columbia












New Jersey

New York

North Carolina




South Carolina




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