Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl LLC Ranking | BCGSearch.com

Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl LLC

Everything about Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl LLC is amazing - its lawyers, atmosphere, leadership, and operations are all top-notch. You won't be disappointed!
Our dealings with Karen Davila were truly exceptional - professional, responsive, and leaving a great impression on our team.
Harrison Barnes

Founder of BCG Attorney Search and America's top legal recruiter

BCG Attorney Search works with over 25,000 law firms. Every month, tens of thousands of attorneys submit their resumes to Harrison, who works with less than 2% of them. Harrison knows quality and does whatever it takes to get his candidates jobs: Since 2000, Harrison has personally made thousands of placements and is undoubtedly the most effective legal placement professional in history.

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About Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl LLC

Leech Tishman is committed to providing professional legal services to individuals, businesses, and institutions, offering the value and practical approach that clients expect. We are thankful for our existing clients, who have entrusted us and whose loyalty and business we never take for granted. For those who don't yet know us, we understand the difficulty of selecting a law firm and recognize that there are a lot of choices. At Leech Tishman, we are built on a few core principles. Our lawyers are highly skilled, with a level of expertise that is unsurpassed in their area of practice. We pride ourselves on providing value-conscious services, as we believe that many highly-skilled business law firms price their services above what is market. Additionally, we collaborate to provide a well-rounded approach to our clients' legal matters. We strive to build dedicated and long-term relationships with our clients, understanding and appreciating their goals, objectives, and challenges. We are committed to providing forward-thinking insight, custom solutions, and collaborative resources that meet the specific needs of our clients. Our firm offers big-firm legal knowledge, collaborative legal teams, and a strategic approach, while providing timely and personalized responses at cost-effective rates. We are proud of the services we provide and are grateful for the opportunity to serve our clients.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 12

Total Attorneys: 19

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Cherry Hill, NJ 22
Pasadena, CA 11

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Bankruptcy 7
Construction 1
Corporate 12
Data Privacy 2
Energy and Oil & Gas 5
Environmental and Land Use 1
Immigration 1
IP 13
Labor & Employment 8
Litigation 13
Litigation - General (consumer) 5
Real Estate 1
Tax 2
Trusts and Estates 6

Practice Area Rankings by Region



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