Robert S. Glazier, PC Ranking |

Robert S. Glazier, PC

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About Robert S. Glazier, PC

Chambers USA Leading Lawyers has described Robert Glazier as a "widely respected and experienced appellate attorney who 'has some of the best legal analytic skills in the business' and is known for his creativity and integrity." He is also listed in Best Lawyers in America and Florida's Super Lawyers.

Mr. Glazier is a native of Miami. He graduated from New College, in Sarasota, Florida, and then Nova University School of Law, where he was Executive Editor of the Law Review. After graduation, he clerked for Judges Daniel S. Pearson and Gerald B. Cope, Jr., of the Third District Court of Appeal.

After his clerkship, Mr. Glazier entered private practice, and has had his own firm since 1995. Throughout his career, his practice has been limited to appeals and trial consultation.

Mr. Glazier is the co-author of Handbook of Florida Evidence, published by Lexis Law Publishing.

Mr. Glazier has served on the Executive Council of the Florida Bar's Appellate Practice Section, and on the Florida Bar's Appellate Rules Committee. From 2005 to 2007, he was President of Temple Israel of Greater Miami.

Total Offices: 1

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