Bailey & Glasser LLP Ranking |

Bailey & Glasser LLP

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About Bailey & Glasser LLP

Clients rely on Bailey Glasser to handle the most challenging and consequential legal issues-regionally and nationwide.

Our lawyers are equally comfortable and adept in the role of plaintiff or defendant. We bring a trial-focused approach to litigation to vigorously protect the interests of clients. We represent government and businesses, as well as individual plaintiffs and defendants, and lawyers throughout the country call upon the firm to access our unique blend of resources and trial experience.

The firm concentrates its practice in the areas of complex commercial and class action litigation, with a particular emphasis in energy and finance. We currently represent individual and classes of consumers, and a variety of corporate entities throughout the United States. The firm has substantial experience in successfully prosecuting and defending multimillion-dollar cases, including complex class actions.

Bailey Glasser's corporate practice handles business matters ranging from the negotiation and execution of billions of dollars in commercial transactions, to IPOs, to assisting foreign businesses with investments in US assets.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 11

Total Attorneys: 92

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Chicago, IL 1

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Bankruptcy 2
Litigation 17

Practice Area Rankings by Region



District of Columbia


West Virginia

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