Troutman Pepper Locke LLP Ranking |

Troutman Pepper Locke LLP

I love every aspect of Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP - its lawyers, atmosphere, leadership, and operations. It's a top pick.
We were truly impressed with Linda Bystrowski's professional conduct and quick responsiveness.
Harrison Barnes

Founder of BCG Attorney Search and America's top legal recruiter

BCG Attorney Search works with over 25,000 law firms. Every month, tens of thousands of attorneys submit their resumes to Harrison, who works with less than 2% of them. Harrison knows quality and does whatever it takes to get his candidates jobs: Since 2000, Harrison has personally made thousands of placements and is undoubtedly the most effective legal placement professional in history.

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About Troutman Pepper Locke LLP

A law firm is more than its head count, the number of its offices or its specific practice mix. Indeed, beyond the "what" and the "how" is the "why" - the core values that explain why this particular group of dedicated professionals has come together to provide clients with the benefit of their collective experience and expertise.,?For Troutman Sanders, the "why" that binds us together as a firm matters to the kind of clients we excel at representing - clients who demand not only the highest caliber of legal work, but an equally satisfying relationship with their outside counsel. For us, practicing law is about commitment, and our "higher commitment to client care" is one of the most important values that differentiates us from other law firms.,?In recognition of our strong client service culture, our firm has been on the BTI Client Service A-Team for 13 consecutive years. ,?

Office Description:

Troutman Sanders is proud to have its origins in the vibrant and diverse city of Atlanta, and the firm has been a vital part of the growth and development of the Atlanta area as well as the state of Georgia. Our attorneys provide national and international counsel to Fortune 500, middle market, and emerging companies in all major areas of legal practice. The client base we serve includes industries such as energy, media and entertainment, financial institutions, real estate, transportation, communications and technology, as well as global manufacturers, retailers, trade associations and government entities. Our attorneys work in collaboration with Troutman Sanders Strategies, a stand-alone, full-service governmental relations, political strategy and issue management firm; and Troutman Sanders eMerge, the firm's eDiscovery and legal technology affiliate, providing legal advocacy, consulting, project management and technology services related to electronically stored information in litigation, internal/governmental investigations and other legal matters. Our presence in the Atlanta community, as well as statewide, is as deep as our commitment to our clients. Our attorneys and staff serve on the boards of or as advisors to - and volunteer hundreds of hours annually to - civic, charitable and cultural organizations across the region. As an institution, we have grown with Atlanta and are proud of our Atlanta legacy.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 28

Total Attorneys: 1155

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Atlanta, GA 241
Berwyn, PA 32
Boston, MA 26
Charlotte, NC 64
Chicago, IL 56
Harrisburg, PA 10
Irvine, CA 52
New York City, NY 102
Philadelphia, PA 175
Pittsburgh, PA 20
Portland, OR 8
Princeton, NJ 28
Raleigh, NC 11
Redwood City, CA 1
Richmond, VA 137
Rochester, NY 10
San Diego, CA 17
San Francisco, CA 15
Southfield, MI 19
Virginia Beach, VA 28
Washington, DC 112
Wilmington, DE 17

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Bankruptcy 22
Construction 1
Corporate 183
Corporate - Asset / Investment Management 1
Corporate - Venture Capital/ Emerging Companies 3
Education 1
Energy and Oil & Gas 31
Environmental and Land Use 23
ERISA/Executive Compensation 19
Finance 3
Finance - Banking 48
Government 10
Health Care 33
Insurance Coverage 16
IP 86
Labor & Employment 25
Litigation 387
Litigation - General (consumer) 5
Litigation - White Collar Crime & Government Investigations 1
Real Estate 115
Tax 19
Transportation 1
Trusts and Estates 3

Practice Area Rankings by Region





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