We solve prob?lems and help you max?imise oppor?tu?ni?ties. We're Lawyers that take you and your busi?ness needs seri?ous?ly?-?what ever they are. We're not here to tell you about legal tech?ni?cal?i?ties. Our job is to put our?selves in your shoes, under?stand what you want to achieve and act as your busi?ness part?ner to help you reach your goals. Our Lawyers have stud?ied Law, Media, Mar?ket?ing, Sci?ence, Math?e?mat?ics, Eco?nom?ic and Nurs?ing to men?tion a few. The firm itself was estab?lished by Fredrick Swaab, in Syd?ney, Aus?tralia, in 1981 and has grown to become a haven for inno?va?tion, entre?pre?neur?ship, fam?i?ly busi?ness, SMEs, cor?po?rates, high-net-worth indi?vid?u?als and gov?ern?ment clients. We hold a unique posi?tion in the mar?ket place, as a firm with both full-ser?vice Com?mer?cial and Fam?i?ly law offer?ings. Our suc?cess has been a result of putting our peo?ple and clients first by liv?ing our val?ues of: Com?mit?ment, Integri?ty, Excel?lence, Gen?eros?i?ty of Spir?it, Uni?ty and Inno?va?tion. Our strong and endur?ing cul?ture has been the result of devel?op?ing and nur?tur?ing long-term client relationships.
Total Offices: 1
Total Attorneys: 29
Practice Areas | No. of Attorneys |
Bankruptcy | 3 |
Corporate | 3 |
Family Law | 4 |
Intellectual Property - General | 3 |
Labor & Employment | 2 |
Litigation | 4 |
Other | 7 |
Real Estate | 12 |
Trusts and Estates | 4 |
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