McGlew and Tuttle has assisted inventors and firms in filing patent and trademark applications for many years. We have obtained important patents in communication, automotive, medical, electronic, software, semiconductor fields. The firm is committed to providing unequaled technical and legal patent and trademark prosecution value.McGlew and Tuttle offers intellectual property legal counseling. We are involved with patent and trademark infringement advice, product clearance analysis, litigation counseling and litigation services. We provide patent infringement opinions, liability analysis, Inter Partes Review, Ex Parte Review representation, trademark opposition, cancellation and other TTAB representation, patent, trademark and unfair trade practice litigation counsel.
Total Offices: 1
Total Attorneys: 6
Locations | No. of Attorneys |
Scarborough, NY | 6 |
Practice Areas | No. of Attorneys |
IP | 3 |
IP - Trademark/Copyright | 2 |
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