Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP Ranking |

Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP

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About Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP

Across the attorney team and staff of Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP, you will find impressive credentials and a straightforward, accommodating business approach. We are well established attorneys in our region, bringing together approximately 150 years of combined experience in preparing, trying and appealing cases in both state and federal courts in Texas and New Mexico.

Our clients benefit from our individual and collective experience across a range of practice areas critical to their business interests. We are all trial attorneys with impressive track records ? of complex cases tried and won, long-standing clients maintained and high standards for quality service and integrity upheld.

All five attorneys in our firm have experience in a large firm, handling challenging cases and serving many high-profile clients. We established our own law firm because of a common desire to:

Create a working atmosphere that emphasizes the greatest possible efficiency for our clients
Deliver excellent value in all our client engagements and interactions
Exercise direct control over our caseloads and client portfolios
Collaborate effectively in a highly client-focused setting
Whether your needs involve corporate law, products liability defense, media law or other types of civil litigation, your choice of an attorney can be critical to your future. We encourage you to consider the value of working with a firm that can handle any state or federal appeal of your case, should that become necessary. You do not have to work with a large firm to get major-firm quality in every aspect of your legal representation.

We maintain a conveniently located El Paso, Texas, office and we have Spanish-speaking staff available to assist in any aspect of your case where helpful. We travel frequently for client meetings, research, negotiations and court proceedings throughout Texas, New Mexico, and the Southwestern United States.

We put our resources to work, serving health care entities and municipalities in our region as well as insurers and corporate law clients nationwide ? from Los Angeles to New York City, as well as Dallas, Houston and other major business centers. If you have an action or case pending in our area of the southwest United States, we encourage you to contact our firm.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 5

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
El Paso, TX 5

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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