Ross Law Firm Ltd Law Firm Profile |

Ross Law Firm Ltd

3 Metro Rankings

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About Ross Law Firm Ltd

The Ross Law Firm is a small but effective firm practicing in Estate Planning, Estate Administration, and Business and Commercial Law.

We build quality relationships with our clients through:

Integrity and respect for our clients' needs, goals, and objectives
Intelligent legal representation
Our pledge to listen to and communicate with clients

The Ross Law Firm:

Uses the latest technology and cost-effective methods to provide legal service in a professional and friendly atmosphere
Cares for each client and attempts to find the most efficient, fair, honest and creative approach to each situation
Believes that clients are best served by the prevention of legal problems through careful and thorough advice given prior to their entering into transactions and business arrangements

When we are not proficient in an area of law or when matters involve laws for states other than Illinois and countries other than the United States, we assist in locating attorneys to work with the client.

Our clients are kept well informed. We return calls promptly. Client information is held in strict confidence. We strive to provide quality services for a reasonable fee. Our fees are based on the amount of time spent, complexity and other factors. Many of our clients are business owners, doctors, lawyers and other professionals.

Robert J. Ross has practiced in Illinois in areas of wills and trusts, business law, acquisitions, succession planning, and related commercial real estate matters since 1980.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 3

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Inverness, IL 3

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Corporate 1
Corporate - General 3
Real Estate 1
Trusts and Estates 10

Practice Area Rankings by Region

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