Krupnick Campbell Malone Buser Slama Hancock Ranking |

Krupnick Campbell Malone Buser Slama Hancock

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About Krupnick Campbell Malone Buser Slama Hancock

The trial lawyers of Krupnick Campbell Malone are proud of our 45-year record of excellence. Courtroom preparation is the trademark of our litigation firm. The firm's resources, careful preparation and experience ensures that each case, no matter how large, will be clearly presented to the jury. Because the firm's strength has been in innovation, creativity, and preparation, we have been able to achieve an outstanding record of success. We are justifiably proud of the verdicts and settlements we have obtained. Our outstanding national reputation, which has been built around ethically and successfully helping more than 25,000 clients in every imaginable type of personal injury case over the course of the past 45 years. Our law firm takes great pride in knowing our cases have helped to create changes in the way products are manufactured, roads and buildings are designed and constructed, and health care is provided, benefiting all of society.

Krupnick Campbell Malone is also proud of the leadership its attorneys have provided to our profession including: President of the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, President of the Broward County Bar Association, four Presidents of the Broward County Trial Lawyers' Association, President of the Broward County Women Lawyers' Association, President of the Broward County Federal Bar Association and membership on the prestigious Board of Governors of The Florida Bar.

Our firm also believes that it is important to actively participate in supporting our communities. Multiple attorneys have been State Senators and Mayors. The current Mayor of Sunrise, Florida is a partner. We are also among the leaders in the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, the Brain Injury Association, the Broward County Foundation, Kids in Distress, the S.O.S. Children's Village, the United Way Leaders in Giving, the Homeless Shelter in Broward County and in numerous other South Florida and state-wide charities and community organizations. We are proud to have donated our time, money, and leadership to benefit the less fortunate in our communities.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 11

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Fort Lauderdale, FL 13

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Litigation 4

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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