King, Wiley & Williams Law Firm Profile |

King, Wiley & Williams

1 Metro Rankings

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About King, Wiley & Williams

This law firm has dedicated itself throughout the years to the representation of injured and illegally wronged individuals. The firm does not represent insurance companies or corporate interests. The primary focus has been on mining accidents, wrongful death, personal injury, car/truck wrecks, defective products, personal and consumer fraud, workers' compensation and industrial accidents. There is no fee for an initial consultation and the firm averages at least 20% of its total time to pro bono advice, consultation and representation.

In the early years of Jimmy King's first law firm, Wilson & King, a decision was made to deliver high quality legal service to those who are not able to afford it. This commitment has carried forward to The King Firm. Many hours of legal work are performed by our lawyers each year for which no fee is ever charged.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 4

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Jasper, AL 4

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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