Ismen Law Firm Profile |

6 Metro Rankings

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About Ismen

Gunalcin is a leading Turkish M&A law firm. Since 2004, Gunalcin focused in all types of M&A transactions including privatizations and private equity investments. Gunalcin is also experienced in M&A complementary practice areas such as competition law, corporate and commercial services, labor law and real estate. In all of these areas Gunalc?n are recognized by clients. Gunalcin believes specialization is essential to provide acceptable quality of legal services with full efficiency. The complexity of the transactions requires lawyers to specialize on limited number of practice areas. Arzum Gunalcin, leading partner in Gunalcin, have strongly focused on M&A transactions for the last 20 years and decided that Gunalcin should concentrate on M&A transactions, train specialized associates on this field and be able to provide specialist service that its clients deserve. Gunalcin's team offers dynamic, focused and creative solutions to its clients' corporate and commercial needs. The firm works in concert with each client to develop comprehensive strategies that addresses the respective client's business goals.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 5

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Antitrust and Competition 2
Corporate - General 5
Data Privacy 2
Labor & Employment 3
Litigation - General (consumer) 2
Real Estate 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region

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