Almeida Guzman & Asociados Ranking |

Almeida Guzman & Asociados

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About Almeida Guzman & Asociados

Almeida Guzman & Asociados is a legal firm of attorneys and consultants, established in 1981, specializing in juridical-corporate advice and consulting.
The Firm's professional practice spans the following areas:

Tax Law.
Corporate, Commercial and Business Law.
Labor, Migration and Immigration Law.
Competition and Competitiveness Law. Consumer?s Protection Rights.
Environmental legislation.
Real estate, construction and public works legislation.
Public Procurement. National and international arbitration.
Tourism legislation.
Mining Law.
Financial, Banking and Stock Market Law.
Energy legislation: hydrocarbons, electricity and alternative energy.
Telecommunications and E-Commerce legislation.
Human Health legislation.

The organization also retains consultants in Economic Sciences and Accounting fields.

Experience includes legal, tax and economic consulting. Consulting on project finance, investment projects, mergers, split-offs and takeovers of companies. Business restructuring.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 11

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Antitrust and Competition 2
Corporate 8
Government and Government Relations 1
Labor & Employment 1
Litigation - General (consumer) 2
Other 1
Tax 4

Practice Area Rankings by Region


  • Quito:

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