AACNI Law Firm Profile | BCGSearch.com

7 Metro Rankings

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We are a legal boutique that brings together independent practices in United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil and Portugal. These practices share knowledge, resources and values.
Trade, shipping and energy are the core sectors most of our clients operate from. Our clients' profile goes from major international corporations to private individuals and local communities. Our goal is to build lasting relationships with all of them.
We have a hands-on experience in litigation and arbitration, and charge fair rates for advising and representing our clients thereon. Occasionally, we may agree to work pro-bono or on conditional fees.
When it comes to rights and justice, no client is too small and no case is too complex.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 10

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Data Privacy 1
International Trade 1
Litigation - International Arbitration 1
Transportation 3

Practice Area Rankings by Region

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