Capitol Associates, Inc Law Firm Profile |

Capitol Associates, Inc

1 Metro Rankings

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About Capitol Associates, Inc

Capitol Associates, Inc. (CAI) is a bipartisan government relations firm specializing in health policy. We serve a broad range of clients from many sectors of the health care industry. The foundation of our success is our understanding of Washington.

Since the firm was founded in 1984, we have worked hard to establish ourselves as an honest, experienced resource for policy makers in the Federal government. We know how to navigate the policy making process to get results for our clients on the legislative, regulatory and policy issues that matter to them. And, we know how to frame the argument so that it resonates with officials from differing parties and philosophies.

Office Description:

Capitol Associates, Inc. (CAI) is a bipartisan government relations firm specializing in health policy. We serve a broad range of clients from many sectors of the health care industry. The foundation of our success is our understanding of Washington. Since the firm was founded in 1984, we have worked hard to establish ourselves as an honest, experienced resource for policy makers in the Federal government. We know how to navigate the policy making process to get results for our clients on the legislative, regulatory and policy issues that matter to them. And, we know how to frame the argument so that it resonates with officials from differing parties and philosophies.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 4

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Alexandria, 4

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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