MRTA Law, P.C Law Firm Profile |


1 Metro Rankings

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About MRTA Law, P.C

Boutique law firm specializing in the newly-created laws under the NYS Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act. On March 31, 2021, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the "Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act" (S.854-A / 1248-A; also known as the "New York State Cannabis Law," codified under the Consolidated Law of New York, Title 7-A). There are six (6) articles under the New York State Cannabis Law that govern the legality of cannabis in New York State; however, two articles, specifically Article 4 ("Adult-use Cannabis") which covers NY Can Law Statutes 61-89, and Article 2 ("New York State Cannabis Control Board") of the NY Can Law Statutes 7-20, will determine how New York State's regulatory framework will shape how "adult-use" recreational marijuana will be grown, tested, distributed, extracted, and retailed. Literally, billions of dollars in the emergent recreational cannabis economy will be distributed to those with valid New York State Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) licenses and registrations.

Total Offices: 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region

New York

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