JMA Firm, PLLC Ranking |


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About JMA Firm, PLLC

JMA Firm, PLLC, a business immigration dynamo serving clients with immigration needs across America and the globe.

Fueled by the depth of knowledge and wisdom that comes from over one hundred years of collective experience in immigration and nationality law, the attorneys of JMA work daily to exceed client expectations for personal service, proactive solution-planning and professionalism.

Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive corporate immigration support, including: nonimmigrant visa services, permanent residence and naturalization representation, I-9 compliance assistance, immigration policy consulting, and immigration-related due diligence.

We recognize that the practice of immigration and nationality law is more than a menu of services. For the companies and institutions that we serve, our work helps to provide a critical pipeline of professional talent to power their growth and innovation to build a better future for all. For individual clients, we help them bring their needed skills and talents to American shores and realize their intensely personal goals. For our family clients, we help them to navigate the complex issues associated with achieving familial unification.

Total Offices: 1

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