Holden Willits, PLC Ranking | BCGSearch.com

Holden Willits, PLC

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About Holden Willits, PLC

Holden Willits PLC is a nationally recognized, commercial litigation boutique law firm dedicated to resolving complex construction and commercial disputes of all types. We represent parties engaged in all facets of the construction industry, including general contractors, subcontractors, owners, material suppliers, design professionals and sureties. Our expertise, however, is not limited to the construction industry. We also handle general commercial disputes representing lenders, secured creditors, and businesses in matters involving breaches of contract, business torts, and debt collection.

U.S. News & World Report - Best Lawyers has recognized Holden Willits PLC as a Tier 1 firm in Arizona for construction law and construction litigation and a Tier 2 and Tier 3 firm nationally for construction litigation since 2012. Our lawyers include past chairs of the State Bar of Arizona Construction Law Section, and several members of our firm are included in Best Lawyers of America and Arizona Super Lawyers. We are also actively involved in various construction industry trade associations, including the Arizona Builders Alliance, American Subcontractors Association of Arizona, Construction Financial Management Association, and National Association of Credit Management. Members of our firm are also authors, adjunct professors, guest lecturers, and speakers on a wide range of construction issues.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 5

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Phoenix, AZ 5

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Corporate 2
Litigation 1
Litigation - General (consumer) 2
Real Estate 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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