Fields Law Group, LLP Law Firm Profile |

Fields Law Group, LLP

5 Metro Rankings

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About Fields Law Group, LLP

Our firm provides a superior combination of depth, expertise, and quality service. We aggressively represent our clients within the highest ethical standards of our profession. We pride ourselves in knowing our clients' industries and being part of their continued success. Companies, institutions, insurance companies, and individuals rely upon Fields Law Group, LLP to provide them with quick, cost-effective legal advice and counseling in the areas of Construction Law, Business Formation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Litigation, Transportation & Logistics.
The partners of the law firm have over three decades of combined legal experience. With their associates and staff, they work as a team to deliver practical legal solutions that exceed client expectations. In addition, the firm's attorneys are regular speakers in classrooms and at legal seminars where they network with other professionals in related fields.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 2

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Anaheim Hills, CA 2

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Insurance 1
Litigation - Construction 1
Transportation 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region

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