MDH Law Group LLC Ranking |

MDH Law Group LLC

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About MDH Law Group LLC

It Starts With Why*

We believe that having a good business lawyer is good for your business.

We believe being a good business lawyer means being involved, being available, being at the table with you, being on the road with you, being where you are, doing everything it takes to understand who you are and why you do what you do. We are here to be part of the team that envisions, creates and celebrates your success.

Throughout this website, you can read all about our specific legal expertise and experience, and the legal services we provide. Every day, we work to get better at what we do. We bet you do, too. When we speak of teamwork and collaboration and integration and success, we mean that we will do our homework about you and your business and your industry; we will work to build trusting and respectful relationships with everyone at the table ? the brokers, the bankers, the CPAs, the entire company staff; and we will focus on your goals without overlooking the full range of risks and possibilities that arise. Our business truly is as much about relationships as it is about the law.

Actually, it started more than a dozen years ago at another law firm a few blocks up 17th Street, where we first worked together. With many many thanks to our mentors, our former partners and colleagues in the legal field and elsewhere, our families and friends, and especially to our clients, past, present and future, we look forward to making deals happen with you.

* Borrowed from Start with Why, by Simon Sinek ? 2009, a book he wrote "as a guide to focus on and amplify the things that do work." And special thanks to an outstanding client and friend who shared it with us.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 6

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Denver, 6

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Construction 1
Corporate 7
Corporate - General 2
Finance - Banking 1
Other 2
Real Estate 7
Tax 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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