Stack & O'Connor Chartered Law Firm Profile |

Stack & O'Connor Chartered

3 Metro Rankings

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About Stack & O'Connor Chartered

Founded in 1976, Stack & O'Connor Chartered concentrates its practice in two fields: The protection and exploitation of intellectual property ranging from artistic works to computer software code, and the handling of complex regulatory and governmental matters.

In addition to its fields of practice, the firm provides convenient facilities, logistical support and substantial trial experience, particularly in federal court, for out-of-state firms seeking local counsel to assist in Chicago based commercial and intellectual property litigation.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 2

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Chicago, IL 2

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Corporate - General 1
Corporate - Technology Transactions 1
IP 2
Litigation - General (consumer) 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region

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