Saile Ackerman LLC Law Firm Profile |

Saile Ackerman LLC

1 Metro Rankings

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About Saile Ackerman LLC

Saile Ackerman LLC
Our firm has focused exclusively on protecting the intellectual property rights of our clients since 1989. We offer counsel and advocacy to businesses and individual inventors who are seeking protection of their ideas, inventions, the investments they have made and the profits they deserve to realize. Only by taking advantage of all available means of protecting your intellectual property can you assure that you are the one benefiting from it rather than a competitor.
We bring a background steeped in technology that allows us to understand your invention and where it fits into its industry. We also bring the experience that comes with having secured thousands of patents for our clients in the past. That experience includes understanding how to perform thorough patent and trademark searches, how to build effective applications, and understanding how to interact effectively with patent examiners and trademark examiners.
The combined breadth and depth of experience with intellectual property that we have developed over the years allows us to generate the positive results that our clients deserve.
Our effectiveness as intellectual property attorneys has helped us earn a nationwide reputation for excellence. We have previously been named among the top 10 U.S. patent law firms.
To learn more about our attorney, follow the link below. To learn more about patent representatives, technical advisers and other professionals, please review our professionals page.
Stephen Ackerman
Intellectual Property Lawyer Serving The Hudson Valley, New York, Nationally And Internationally
Saile Ackerman LLC is committed to protecting your intellectual property rights through the most effective means necessary. To schedule an initial consultation with our firm

Total Offices: 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region

New York

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