Robert Hinton & Associates, PC Ranking |

Robert Hinton & Associates, PC

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About Robert Hinton & Associates, PC

From his office in Dallas, in state and federal courtrooms throughout Texas, and in professional licensing and disciplinary proceedings, you will find Robert Hinton preparing and presenting the most articulate and comprehensive defenses for citizens accused of crimes and for professionals facing licensing and disciplinary actions. Individual and corporate clients seek the counsel of Robert Hinton & Associates in the following matters-

Civil and Administrative Defense
Criminal Defense

The vast majority of Mr. Hinton's caseload comes from referrals from other lawyers, past clients, and as a result of his numerous speaking engagements.

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 1

Total Attorneys: 1

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Dallas, TX 1

Total number of Attorneys in this Practice Area:

Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Health Care 1
Litigation 1
Litigation - General (consumer) 1

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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