Next Legal LLC Ranking |

Next Legal LLC

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About Next Legal LLC

We are the solution to close your business or real estate transaction. Many attorneys at big firms lack the time to dedicate to their small and mid-size clients, especially in a timely or cost-effective manner. Many attorneys at small firms do not have sufficient experience to handle sophisticated business and real estate transactions. Our partners have years of experience closing deals at top international firms and understand the level of attention and experience your deal requires.

We create close and lasting relationships with our clients, with the goal to become a trusted legal business adviser. We care about (and pay attention to) our clients, large and small. We only accept matters for which we can add value to your business. Otherwise, we will refer you to trusted outside firms.

We understand the pain of paying legal bills. We will work with you to understand your most immediate legal needs and provide a well-defined scope of work and estimate. Want more certainty? We offer flat fees and other packages. NEXT also does not charge for the initial consultation or day- to-day expenses like photocopying or phone calls. That is our overhead, not yours.

Your International guide to the U.S.
Many of our clients are based outside the United States (especially in Latin America and Europe) and need a lawyer who ?speaks their language.? Our team specializes in cross-border business transactions. We speak English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Dutch. We will help you bridge the cultural gap and successfully achieve your business objectives in the United States.

Total Offices: 2

Total Attorneys: 4

Practice Area Rankings by Region


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