Krasner Law, PLLC Law Firm Profile |

Krasner Law, PLLC

4 Metro Rankings

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About Krasner Law, PLLC

Krasner Law, PLLC strives to resolve each of our client's New York and New Jersey legal disputes in a favorable, cost-effective, and time-effective manner to achieve just results.

From the initial consultation onward, we invest in our relationships with our clients. We commit to treating your preferences, goals, and objectives as our own. We have a proven record of success in identifying and protecting our clients' interests and ach

Location and Practice Areas Wise Attorney Count:

Total Offices: 2

Total Attorneys: 1

Total Office Wise Attorneys:

Locations No. of Attorneys
Jersey City, NJ 2

Practice Area Rankings by Region

New Jersey

New York

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