Senior Employment Law Of Counsel Job in Pleasanton, CA Near Me - 215655 |

Senior Employment Law Of Counsel

Type Full-Time

Location California - Pleasanton

Job ID 0IEE215655

Experience Level Senior Associate

Job Experience Min. 8 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Employment Law - Litigation Employer Defense

2025-02-06 04:56:59

Pleasanton office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks senior employment law of counsel with 8+ years of experience. The candidate will help grow the employment law litigation practice as well as assist the clients in navigating complicated employment law issues. Should have extensive employment litigation experience, including harassment, discrimination, and retaliation defense; class action defense; PAGA action defense; defense and prosecution of trade secret actions; and defense of wage and hour claims, as well as experience appearing before entities such as the EEOC, DFEH, DLSE, and CUIAB. Must have a partial book of portable business. Must be a current member of the State Bar of California.

Founded around the mid-twentieth century, this eminent law firm is comprised of a significantly large team of seasoned attorneys and deals with issues related to eight areas of practice. Some of its key areas of expertise are litigation-dispute resolution, ethics-professional liability, family law, and real estate-land use. Over the years, the firm's attorneys have received top honors from prominent industry publications. They are committed to community service and are actively involved in charitable programs with a variety of nonprofit organizations throughout the year.

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