Trademark Attorney Job in Irvine, CA Near Me - 355180 |

Trademark Attorney

Type Full-Time

Location California - Irvine

Job ID 1UNA355180

Experience Level Midlevel Associate

Job Experience Min. 5 - Max. 8 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Intellectual Property - Trademark/Copyright - Transaction

2025-02-17 06:54:07

Job Title: Trademark Attorney

Job Overview

A reputable law firm based in Irvine, CA is seeking a highly skilled Trademark Attorney to join its legal team. The role involves providing expert legal counsel on various trademark-related matters, including prosecution, enforcement, strategic advice, and agreements. This position is ideal for an experienced attorney with a passion for intellectual property law and a strong foundation in trademark regulations.


  • Conduct trademark clearance searches and provide a comprehensive analysis.
  • Prepare and respond to office actions issued by the USPTO.
  • Manage domestic and international trademark prosecution and filings.
  • Represent clients in U.S. and foreign trademark oppositions and cancellations.
  • Provide strategic advice and counseling on trademark protection and enforcement.
  • Draft and negotiate licensing agreements and settlement agreements.
  • Address trademark enforcement issues, including infringement matters.


  • 5-8 years of experience in trademark law, including prosecution, enforcement, and counseling.
  • Expertise in handling trademark clearance, foreign filings, and oppositions/cancellations.
  • Proven track record of drafting agreements related to licensing and settlements.


  • Juris Doctor (JD) from an accredited law school.


  • Active membership in good standing with the California State Bar Association.


  • Exceptional legal research and analytical skills.
  • Superior verbal and written communication abilities.
  • Strong interpersonal and client relationship management skills.
  • Ability to manage multiple trademark portfolios efficiently.

Job Location

Irvine, CA

A boutique law firm known as a leader in intellectual property law, this firm values a work/life balance and offers market pay. Any attorneys interested in patent prosecution should thrive here and, prospects for exit opportunities in the field are excellent.

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